Thursday, 7 May 2015

E21: Hall in Tyrol 4th May

9 kilometres East of Innsbruck is the beautiful medieval town of Hall, it prospered on the riches of salt in the 13th century….


The Burg Hassegg, this castle had a 300 year career as the mint for the silver coins, Thalers,  which gave their name to the modern word Dollar….


Plenty of cobbles streets and pastel coloured houses….

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The 15th century Rathaus (Town hall)….

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Damenstift Convent founded in 1557….


Baroque tower belonging to the above convent….


The Pfarrkirche St Nikolaus.  This 13th church is renowned for its Waldaufkapelle, a grissly collection of 45 skulls and 12 bones collected from the remains of minor saints, each displayed on an embroidered cushion draped with veils and topped with elaborate headdresses….

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a simple entrance…. 

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leads into a very colourful and flambouyant interior….


The display of skulls and bones is, as our guide book says, "both repulsive and enthralling”….



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The church organ is in keeping with the rest of the interior, gilded and richly decorated….


Now, it may be Austria, but with the sun out and the temperature in the mid 20’s, Grahame just had to test the local ice cream….


1 comment:

  1. Interesting architectuue and that Yate's twin town Bad Saltzdetfurth also thrived or was economically dependent on salt. Hugs and love Mumski xxxxx
