Monday, 11 May 2015

E32: Dinkelsbühl 10th May

We ended the day at what is arguably one of the quaintest and most authentic medieval towns along the ‘Romantic Road’.  Unlike many of it’s counterparts Dinkelsbühl, originally founded in the 8th century, was saved from destruction in the 30 years War and ignored by WW2 bombers and therefore has remained in an almost original state….

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Once inside one of it’s four city gates….

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you are treated to a riot of colour….


which continues throughout the town….


even the high street and shops….

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Outside the town walls the countryside is idyllic….

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The wall has 18 towers of all shapes and sizes and there is a lovely walkway around the perimeter….




back to the carpark that we night stopped in, for more Bavarian beer and Bratwurst (and white radish, a local speciality) ………. Nice!

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Lastly, there is a cheeky phoon in one of the photos for 'those that know’ haha….


  1. Had to look back for the 'camo' phoon. Love all those old towns. They all look spotlessly clean. Amazing how Germany restored a lot of war damaged buildings. Looks beautiful.

  2. Beautiful place and I spotted the perimeter phoon immediately. hugs and love Mumski xxxxxxx

  3. A very athletic phoon. One of your best my boy! There have been a lack of decent phoons this time.
